Myloc Logistics Plattform

Support for you as a logistics player

Sometimes there isn't a finished product

Logistics is business critical for your company. Do you lack the right support for your business? Then we can help you.

Through our various modules, we ensure that you get a platform that is specially configured for your business and your logistics.

Logistics is complicated, but it does not have to be complicated for you and your colleagues.





We offer a cloud solution that gives you the possibility to connect all your processes in one solution. 

Where previously there was either a far too large system, or several systems that still do not cover your needs, if you do not use excel, we offer a modular solution that allows you to put together a system that is completely adapted to your needs.

You build up your processes based on the roles of assignments and activities in the logistics chain.

By connecting all parts and businesses in one and the same portal, it increases transparency and you get all information logistics gathered in one place in real time.

myloc logistics dator screen

The Logistics Portal

The IT solution that makes it easier for you to take control of your logistics chain, and reflects your business.

Myloc Logistics GO

The receiver and last mile app that makes it easier for you as a receiver!

Gives you the opportunity to troubleshoot deliveries instead of solving problems on the run.

myloc logistics dator screen

The control tower

Share information in your business, and with your customers, by giving them access to the information they need in their logistics chain.

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Myloc Logistics Platform is used by:


Många ägare – Ett lager

Myloc Logistics logistiksystem hanterar transport- och leveransinformation, lagerföring, återbruk och cirkulärt användande av inventarier, avancerad artikelhantering och verksamhetsspecifika processer. Vår systemlösning särskiljer sig från andra

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