
Digital logistics system Efficient supply chain      Production system          for the logistics partner  

Logistics do not have to be complicated

Not for those working with it.
Logistics chains can be complicated, extensive and vital for a business. That does not have to mean that they are difficult to handle.

We help you manage your logistics so that you can handle all the things that are vital for your organization. 
When the supply chains function smoothly in a simple and efficient way your employees can focus on what they do best.

Activity based logistics

We work based on a concept we call Activity Based Logistics. It means that we have taken inspiration from the industrial sector in setting up digital processes for your logistics.

The system therefore reflects what your business looks like in reality. This means that you can easily measure, adapt and streamline your logistics operations.

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We deliver a cloud service solution for your logistics.

An easy way to connect all actors in the supply chain to share the same information, with all parties, in real-time.

Integrate with your current systems or run it independently.

Integrate with purchasing and financial systems, your suppliers, and customers to create a cohesive digitized supply chain.

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The service for you who want to streamline logistics at your construction site and digitize your construction project. 

For you where logistics is a critical part of your operation, in need of a system that can be altered after your needs.

For you looking for a better system for healthcare logistics. One solution for everything from wheelchairs to laundry.

The service for you who works with coordinated distribution of goods in a city or municipality.