
Rebuilding Regjeringskvartalet

Statsbygg and UCO ensure control of all vehicles delivering materiels with Myloc Construction. Logistical management with high stakes during the rebuild and expantion of Oslo’s government quarter. The work of restoring the premises housing the seat of the Norwegian government has been ongoing after the complex became the target of a terror attack in 2011. The decision was made to not only rebuild the existing structures but to also create new workspaces that meet heightened security standards and gather Oslo’s about 4100 government officials into one central district.

Umeå kommun upphandlar hjälpmedelssystem från Myloc Logistics.

Umeå Kommun procures aid management system from Myloc Logistics

Umeå Kommun has chosen Myloc Logistics’ aid management system. Mylocs solution for assistive device management has won the procurement from Vård och Omsorg Umeå Kommun and will take over as system- and operational supplier for the aid management organization during the spring of 2025. Vård och Omsorg Umeå Kommun needed a system for handling assistive devices owned by the municipality, with functionality for purchasing and the services that are ordered and fulfilled internally within the organization. An important goal for the new aid management system is to provide the conditions so that already purchased aids in the municipality’s existing inventory are always used as a first option before any new orders are placed. This in turn demands that the system gives the organization control and oversight over all of the aids owned by the municipality. To make it clear which ones are in use, what’s available for order, and the status for each product before possible reuse or disposal. 

Myloc at Fokus Hjälpmedel Örebro October 2024

Meet Myloc at Fokus Hjälpmedel in Örebro, October 26-27. Myloc is one of the exhibitors at the next edition of the Fokus Hjälpmedel convention in just over a month. Save the date and register today! We look forward to new chances to meet suppliers, prescribers, technicians and operational managers. Come by our stand and talk about assistive technology logistics and system support tailored to your business with us.

Hjälpmedel Uppsala län procures system support for aid management from Myloc Logistics

Hjälpmedel Uppsala län and Myloc in new collaboration. Public procurement can involve extensive and lengthy processes. This was the case for Hjälpmedel Uppsala Län, who during the past seven months, have had an ongoing procurement regarding the system support for their prescribers and other assistive device management. Myloc Logistics’ solution for organisations that handle assistive device distribution has, after a thorough evaluation, now finally been selected as the winner. According to Karin Iverhed, Operations Manager at Hjälpmedel Uppsala län, there were several strong reasons to go ahead with Myloc.

Managing a demanding timeline and site bottlenecks

Karlatornet Case Study: Leveraging production with digitized logistics. Karlatornet (the Karla Tower) is a core part of the new city development on the island of Lindholmen in Gothenburg known as Karlastaden (the Karla City). Swedish construction company Serneke managed the Development and EPC. Karlatornet is the tallest building in the Nordic Countries at 246 m and is the first and largest building in the Karlastaden development plan. The construction of the tower alone covered 100,000 m2 in total. The challenging combination of a tightly spaced urban construction site, limitations posed by the required vertical transports, and the desired speed of construction identified the need for logistical management capability as a key part of the project setup from the very start.