
Rebuilding Regjeringskvartalet

Statsbygg and UCO ensure control of all vehicles delivering materiels with Myloc Construction. Logistical management with high stakes during the rebuild and expantion of Oslo’s government quarter. The work of restoring the premises housing the seat of the Norwegian government has been ongoing after the complex became the target of a terror attack in 2011. The decision was made to not only rebuild the existing structures but to also create new workspaces that meet heightened security standards and gather Oslo’s about 4100 government officials into one central district.

Morrow Batteries’ Gigafactory Leverages Digitized Logistics 

Streamlining Project Supply Chains – Morrow Batteries, Metier and Myloc Construction. Morrow Batteries is creating an innovative industrial site in southern Norway built on several cornerstones; a locally secured renewable energy supply, access to a deep sea port to ensure international freight capabilities and a long-term development concept. Eyde Energy Park outside the city of Arendal has the capacity to host multiple large Giga battery cell factories, built step-by-step. Morrow began the construction of their first giga-scale factory in 2020. This first project is not only a commercial investment but also forms the foundation of accumulated experience to be utilized in future projects in the area.