Umeå Kommun procures aid management system from Myloc Logistics


Umeå Kommun chooses Myloc Logistics’ aid management system

Myloc’s solution for assistive device management has won the procurement from Vård och Omsorg Umeå Kommun and will take over as system and operational supplier for the aid management organization during the spring of 2025.



Vård och Omsorg Umeå Kommun needed a system for handling assistive devices owned by the municipality, with functionality for purchasing and the services that are ordered and fulfilled internally within the organization. An important goal for the new aid management system is to provide the conditions so that already purchased equipment in the municipality’s existing inventory is always used as a first option before any new orders are placed.

This in turn demands that the system gives the organization control and oversight over all of the aids owned by the municipality. To make it clear which ones are in use, what’s available for order, and the status for each product before possible reuse or disposal.


Umeå Kommun specifically sought a cloud service that can support their prescribers in primarily ordering products and services internally, while providing a good level of traceability and the ability to measurably assure the quality of operations for the assistive device management. This rhymed well with Myloc Logistics’ overall strategies, especially the system’s functions which enable reuse and circularity. In addition, traceability in particular, in accordance with the requirements from MDR, and assisting with business development analysis data are two of the pillars of Myloc’s assistive technology solution.

As Myloc Logistics uses component management to process all types of inventory, the system can cover these requirements while helping the business keep track of not only the aids but also all the fittings, assembled or in stock. The management and coordination of different storage locations in Myloc Logistics’ aid system became another strong argument for the solution, as it allows the organization’s employees to easily search for products from the municipality’s total stock balance.



As part of the procurement, Myloc will deliver the logistics platform Myloc Logistics and our web portal for aid prescription, Förskrivarportalen. The solution also includes the app version of the system, Myloc GO, for quick reporting of tasks and information straight from mobile devices, as well as the reporting tool Myloc Intelligence for follow-up and statistics. 

“We’re very pleased that Umeå Kommun have chosen us as a new partner for collaboration. Over the past few years we’ve been working hard to develop Myloc Logistics’ aid managemnet system into a service that meets the changing needs of the assistive device distributors, and we’re looking forward to helping yet another municipality to take the next step towards more efficient and digitized care.”

Says Lars Eiring, Business Area Manager for Myloc Logistics.


Here you’ll find more info about Myloc Logistics and our service for aid management organizations. 



Myloc logistics förskrvarportal kommuner förskrivare hjälpmedel logistik


