Myloc Logistics

Specially adapted aid management for efficient care logistics

System support for assistive technology centers and prescribers.
The Myloc Logistics’ platform and Prescriber Portal is a comprehensive solution developed in collaboration with the users at regions and municipalities.
Manage and customize user holdings with full traceability throughout the products’ total lifecycle. 

Myloc offers advanced ownership management for financially sustainable circularity.
Enable reuse of equipment and efficient collaboration between organizations.
Gain overview and control over stored inventory and reduce administration requirements. 

Simplified communication and support for infrequent users through a readily accessible and user-friendly interface.

Make it easy for your employees to comply with the Medical Technology Directive in management of aids and fittings. 

Myloc Logistics – all the way to the user.





From purchase to distribution

With the Prescriber Portal from Myloc Logistics the prescriber or technician can easily place orders during appointments with patients.

Our webb service Förskrivarportalen only requires internet access and is adapted for use by phone, desktop or tablet.

Manage the entire flow of prescribing, purchasing, adjustments, assembly, delivery, reconditioning, disposal, service and inspections in one system.

Control of organizational cycles

Administrate all inventory and warehouses for connected businesses, regions and municipalities in one solution.
Support in planning and coordinating deliveries for your distribution networks. 

Myloc helps you establish stock replenishment strategies, and the system is configured to fit the needs of your organization. 

Facilitate reconditioning and efficient reuse of aids to achieve circular resurce utilization.

Myloc logistics förskrvarportal kommuner förskrivare hjälpmedel logistik


The prescribers’ best aid in one webb portal.
Makes it easy to get things right. 

Myloc Logistics Go

The mobile app that lets service technicians and transporters find all the info they need and report tasks on the move.

myloc logistics dator screen


The Myloc Logistics platform mirrors your actuall operations and simplifies administration of every step in the supply chain.

Contact us

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Click here to leave your details and we’ll contact you with more info on how Myloc’s services can help your organization.


Lyckeby in new collaboration with Myloc Logistics

Lyckeby develops, produces, markets and distributes innovative potato-based specialty starches and fibers for the food and paper industries worldwide. As part of the Lyckeby Group – an economic association with members in southern Sweden, Lyckeby has a strong foundation in agriculture, which ensures a stable and high-quality raw material supply. Each year, Lyckeby plans and administers the year’s potato campaign for their growers. Between August and February, intensive work is underway to receive the potato growers’ harvest for processing, followed by deliveries of seed potatoes for seed for the next growing season.

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Myloc establishes new international contacts with support from the EU and Region Skåne

Thanks to EU-support through Tillväxtverket and Region Skåne, Myloc Construction’s strategies for sustainable construction are introduced to new markets. The implementation of Myloc’s cloud service for logistical management and construction production, Myloc Construction, contributes in several areas to our client’s goals for increased sustainability. Among other things, Myloc Construction supports projects by helping ensure compliance with the EU’s climate goals: M3, M4, S3, S4, S7 och E1 and E4. We’ve also noticed growing international interest from outside the EU in adopting more sustainable and efficient ways of running construction projects. Based on this Myloc is now, with help from our partners and financiers, exploring new opportunities for expansion to spread the word about our ideas and methods. 

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Rebuilding Regjeringskvartalet

Statsbygg and UCO ensure control of all vehicles delivering materiels with Myloc Construction. Logistical management with high stakes during the rebuild and expantion of Oslo’s government quarter. The work of restoring the premises housing the seat of the Norwegian government has been ongoing after the complex became the target of a terror attack in 2011. The decision was made to not only rebuild the existing structures but to also create new workspaces that meet heightened security standards and gather Oslo’s about 4100 government officials into one central district.

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