In Sweden, there hasn’t been much competition in the market for public assistive device logistics systems in the last 10 years. As a consequence, a significant portion of potential development has been lacking.
The Assistive Device Center in Eastern Skåne is a collaboration between 11 municipalities in Skåne that delivers assistive devices to users in Eastern Skåne, such as those in need of assistive devices residing in care facilities. They decided to go through a procurement process to adapt to changes in the Medical Device Regulation (MDR). When they learned about the opportunity to involve more suppliers in the industry, there was no hesitation.
Myloc has previously worked on a project with assistive devices in Uppsala County. Now, there is an opportunity for more than one supplier to respond to a procurement. Since Myloc’s logistics system is well-suited for handling equipment that requires strict control, especially considering the traceability stipulated by MDR, and the ability to share information between different units, as well as manage the need for recurring service and redelivery, Myloc responded to the tender. The project involves handling deliveries to almost 50,000 users from 450 prescribers across more than 50 care units, from the 11 municipalities included in the Assistive Device Center in Eastern Skåne.
Myloc won the procurement, and the system was launched in the spring of 2023.
There has been a longstanding player in the market, which has resulted in businesses adapting to the system rather than the system adapting and evolving alongside the operations. Myloc aims to bring experiences from other logistics projects and contribute to efficiency in the sector.
Switching systems always entails change, bringing challenges and opportunities for the organization, as in this case. Myloc brings the experiences that both Myloc and the Assistive Device Center in Eastern Skåne have handled in upcoming projects.
The Assistive Device Center in Eastern Skåne has led the way and influenced the standards for how the new system should be configured and operate, along with the experience that Myloc has had previously.
Myloc chose to enter Assistive Device Logistics because we had a basic functionality in the existing system that aligns with the thought processes around how the Medical Device Regulation (MDR) should be traced and managed. In the team, we also have knowledge of logistics challenges that fit specifically with assistive devices and the Medical Device Regulation. Our system is already prepared for the new requirements.
The collaboration with HÖS has been very rewarding and has provided us with the opportunity for a steep learning curve. We have been able to identify development opportunities with better functionality than we initially identified based on our original analysis.
Lars Eiring, Business Manager, Myloc Logistics
Finally, it can be said that challenges in innovation should not be underestimated, even when they are welcome and necessary. With that said, this also provides new opportunities for the entire Swedish healthcare sector. By having better control over their inventory, it not only creates economic benefits but also provides the opportunity to use assistive devices for a longer time and ensure they maintain good quality throughout their lifespan.
For more information, contact:
For more information, contact:
Lars Eiring
Business area Director Myloc Logistics