More and more construction companies understand the importance of the environment and sustainability. However, to get certified is today difficult and requires much administration. According to Camilla Liljekow, licenced assessor at BREEAM, tools like Myloc Construction can facilitate the process for companies who want to become certified. .
BREEAM stands for BRE Environmental Assessment Method and is world’s leading sustainability assessment method for masterplanning projects, infrastructure and buildings. To become certified, there are many requirements that companies need to live up to. The process requires much administration with much detailed information that needs to be reported. To facilitate the process for the companies, several solutions have appeared on the market. The cloud-based construction supply chain management system Myloc Construction is one important tool.

– In Myloc Construction, information about all planned deliveries, waste transports and other important data is automatically reported so the companies save a lot of administrative work by using the systemsays Camilla Liljekow.

For full article, see Swedish version here.

